Start Streaming Live on
any platform.

Build a Robust Live Stream

Since 2020, we have completed 300+ Livestreams on YouTube. We have experimented with the cheapest gear, from the affordable to the standard equipment. We have the experience that can help your church set up a Robust Livestream.

We have experimented, tested & learned through our mistakes that you don’t have to.

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Find the Perfect Equipments
to LiveStream

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A Great livestreaming doesn’t just require good gear but a solid technical understanding about how to dial in the right settings for your Livestream.

With the Pandemic, many have been pushed towards Livestreaming their Services, Meetings & Conferences. The task of livestreaming can be confusing and it may seem like you might running into issues everyweek.
That’s exactly we can help you by setting up a system that is right you.

You don’t need the Most Expensive or the Best Equipment but the right ones that can help
broadcast your message effectively.
– Dennis Ruben, Founder & CEO (Yaraks)
Get in touch
with us
We will help you build a
robust live stream.

Software Training Program

Learn Softwares the right way.